• A Material Library with RESET Scores


    Step-by-step help for different account types.


    Enhanced & Enhanced +

  • Release Notes

    Updated with each release.

    ١٣ مارس ٢٠٢٤
    Welcome to version 24.03 of Matter! Users can now easily view the carbon footprint and health...
    The RESET Embodied Standard is a part of Gigabase Inc. The RESET Embodied Standard is a set of...
    ٧ فبراير ٢٠٢٣
    The RESET Embodied Carbon Score now appears on all material listings for paying users. The score...
  • FAQ

    Frequently asked questions about Matter by section

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    Q: How long does the Free Trial last?

    A: Matter Trials last for 14 days. To get on the waiting list, send an email to support@matterbuild.com


    Q: What Browsers is Matter optimized for?

    A: Matter is optimized for the following browser configurations:

    Windows 8 or later: last 2 versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Edge;
    Max OS X 10.11 or later: last 2 versions of Chrome and Firefox;
    Linux: last 2 versions of Chrome and Firefox.


    Q: How can I contact Matter's Support Team?

    A: When you're logged in to your account, click the "Contact Matter Support" button at the bottom right of your browser. Or, drop us an email - support@matterbuild.com

    If your company has subscribed to advanced support tools, additional phone and/or chat support may also be available.

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    Q: Where does pre-populated material information come from?

    A: Material information is connected to Matter via the Origin Data Hub. Origin curates material information from 3rd party sources and manufacturers directly so that in-depth material data is available to the community.


    Q: How can I know when materials were last updated?

    A: At the bottom left of each material detail page, you'll see the words: "This material was last updated:" The date that follows is when the material was last updated on Origin, either directly by the manufacturer or thru their automatic connections with reporting bodies (certification renewals automatically appear when certifications are connected to materials).


    Q: If I can't find a material or the material details I'm looking for, what should I do?

    A: Read-Write users (and above) can create materials and add any content that is missing from Origin-connected materials. You can also contact the support team to engage a manufacturer on your behalf.


    Q: Are the materials I create or edit visible to other companies?

    A: No. Any material intelligence you add to your Matter account are only visible with your company's Matter account. Any content you create is not shared back with Origin. If you invite external collaborators to work within your company account, they may be able to see your content, if their permissions allow for this.


    Q: How can I encourage manufacturers and distributors to get involved?

    A: Ask manufacturers to create a free Origin account to ensure you can directly use their data.

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    Teams and Collaboration

    Q: How can I invite external collaborators to work on projects with me and my colleagues?

    A: External Collaboration tools are available with Advanced accounts. To upgrade, contact support@matterbuild.com


    Q: How can my colleagues and I capture our collective material knowledge and expertise?

    A: Advanced accounts allow project teams to document and curate their experiences with materials. Notes, tags and intel can be added to all materials that are saved to Personal and/or Company Material Libraries.

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    Q: Why can't I see all of my company's projects?

    A: Project access is determined on a project-to-project basis. Project Managers must add you to a Project in order for you to see the Project.


    Q: Is my project data shared with manufacturers?

    A: No, not without your permission. Matter does not sell project information nor leads to manufacturers.

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    Q: Which Libraries are connected to Matter?

    A: Matter is connected to the Origin Data Hub.

  • Support Videos

    Support videos are created based on user feedback and support questions.

    Material Status

    Administrators and Librarians can learn how to change the status of materials within their company library.

    Saving Materials to Libraries

    Learn how to suggest and save materials to a digital Library.

    Adding Materials to Projects

    Project Team Members can add materials to projects.